Wow. What a trip! It's amazing how God can work in such a short amount of time. It's also amazing how we are so moved and so clearly see Him when we're taken away from everything--our iPods, TV, movies, friends, jobs, etc. That's exactly what happened to our team as we served in Chicago! God opened our eyes to not only the people of Chicago, but to the people of the world! Did you know there are 200 nationalities worldwide and 140 are represented in Chicago? God is truly bring the world to our doorsteps! But not just in Chicago, there are people here in Eden Prairie too! I hope that our mission trip didn't end when we got back to EP, but I hope our real mission trip now begins as we see our community and its people through the eyes of God! Continue to pray for our students, Chicago, Sunshine, and for the leaders God is calling for next year! It truly was a blessing to have these students on our trip. Each is so special and unique. God is using each one for a great purpose! Thank you!!
--Kim Olson
--Kim Olson